Free Radio & TV Thursday, 10 June 2004, 17:00
Jürgen Linke
Director, Open Channel Berlin (OKB)
Pit Schultz
reboot.FM, Berlin
In this workshop, Open Channel Berlin and reboot.FM will present their work. Open Channels are both regional and local stations where, instead of professionals, citizens produce radio or television programmes. The first Open Channel in Germany was launched twenty years ago in 1984. In 2004 there are 69 Open Channels on air throughout Germany. The OKB took off in August 1985.
Open Channels are television and radio stations accessible to anyone and everyone. Making use of open channels is utilising the right of free expression. More than 6000 producers have used the OKB. Anyone over the age of 18 who, at present, lives in Germany has the right to use it. This right is set down in and protected by the Berlin media law. The open channel radio and TV programmes are broadcast via the Berlin cable system which has more than 1,100,000 subscribers. In addition the radio programme is aired on a terrestial FM frequency and audible as a live stream on the internet.