Inke Arns 
*1968 Duisdorf/Bonn, lives in Berlin, Germany
PhD, independent curator, author and researcher.
1988-1996 studied Eastern European studies, slavistics, art history and political science in Berlin and Amsterdam. Her PhD thesis, entitled Objects in the Mirror may be Closer Than They Appear: The Avant-garde in the Rear-View Mirror (Humboldt-University Berlin 2003/04) researches a paradigmatic shift in the way artists reflect the historical avant-garde and the notion of utopia in visual and media art projects of the 1980s and 1990s in (ex-)Yugoslavia and Russia.
1998-2000 PhD grant of the Berlin Senate; 2000-2001 lecturer at the Institute of Slavistics at the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; since 2002 guest-lecturer at the Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB) Leipzig.
Her curatorial work includes exhibitions, festivals and conferences on international media art and culture, like OSTranenie (Dessau 1993), Minima Media: Medienbiennale Leipzig 1994, discord. sabotage of realities (Hamburg 1996/97), body of the message (Berlin 1998), Body and the East (Ljubljana 1998), Kinetographien (Berlin 2001), Social Technologies (Essen 2003), and Irwin: Retroprincip 1983-2003 (Berlin, Hagen and Belgrade 2003-2004).
Founding member of the translocal Syndicate network (1996-2001), co-founder of mikro (Berlin 1998) as well as the mailing list Spectre (2001).
Publications include "Netzkulturen" (Hamburg 2002) and "Neue Slowenische Kunst" (Regensburg 2002); numerous articles on media art and net culture, e.g. in Leonardo Electronic Almanach (USA), Kunstforum International (D) and Convergence: Journal of Research into New Technologies (UK). Most recently she published "Interaction, Participation, Networking: Art and Telecommunication" and "Social Technologies: Deconstruction, Subversion and the Utopia of Democratic Communication", in: Dieter Daniels / Rudolf Frieling (eds.), Media Art Net 1: Survey of Media Art , Vienna/New York 2004 [ www.medienkunstnetz.de]]. She is also the editor of several exhibition catalogues (most recently: Irwin: Retroprincip 1983-2003, Frankfurt/Main: Revolver 2003).