Tineke M. Egyedi Tineke M. Egyedi (PhD, 1996) is a senior researcher on ICT standardization at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. She worked for KPN Research (consultant, 1994), for the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (researcher, 1996), for the University of Maastricht (researcher; 1997-1998) and for the TU Delft.
In these capacities she did several policy studies for Dutch ministries (e.g. on trends in standardisation) and participated in four European projects (ELECTRA, SLIM, consortium standardisation, SDOs & users). She was e.g. organizer of a European workshop on standardisation (June 2001) and of the third IEEE conference on 'Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology' (October 2003). In 2003 she was coordinator of the ICT department's infrastructure research program.
Her present research/research coordinative tasks address Interoperability (Sun Microsystems, 2003-2004), Standards Dynamics (EU project, 2004-2005) and flexible Infrastructures (NGI/TU Delft, 2004-2008).
Her present positions include that of associate editor of the International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (Idea Group), member of the editorial board of Computer standards and Interfaces (Elsevier) and vice-president of the European Academy for Standardization. She participates in several Dutch, European and international networks on standardization and -related issues.
She has published widely (e.g. books, reports, book chapters and articles). She was guest editor of a special issue of Knowledge, Technology and Policy on standards and infrastructure development and Computer Standards & Interfaces on XML standards.