Paris Accord: Music & Medical Research Sunday, 17 September, 11-18:00, Schrödinger Zentrum
Continuation of the debate from the sessions on Paris Accord: Composers, Performers and the Public and on Open Source Biotechnology
The Paris Accord, is a document still very much in its infancy and consisting of comments and suggestions by consumers and people from the creative community alike (representing a wide range of disciplines, from medicine through music, film and scholarly publishing). The aim of the Accord is to establish a set of principles that recognize the creative community's desire to earn a living, the interest of the public in obtaining affordable access to works, and the interests of both parties in supporting an environment for creativity and innovation.
A copy of the draft Paris Accord can be found here.
The final version of the Paris Accord will be in two parts. First a statement of core principles, which recognize the creative community's desire to earn a living, the interest of the public in obtaining affordable access to works, and the interests of both parties in supporting an environment for creativity and innovation. Second, presenting those principles in the context of key subject areas.
Based on feedback from this and other meetings, the aim is to produce a statement of core principles by autumn 2006, and detailed subject sections by June 2007
We would like to hear from users, creators and right holders about the terms of such an Accord.
Please contact Michelle Childs or Ben Wallis if you would like more details
The workshop consists of two parts. The first part will introduce the Paris Accord and discuss one key area: collective agreements on music compositions and recordings, the second part will focus on another key area: models for funding medical research.
There will be people to start off the discussions but the aim is to have an open discussion.
Collective Agreements on Music Compositions and Recordings (11-13:30)
James Love
Consumer Project on Technology, Washington, DC
Cornelia Kutterer
Senior Legal Advisor, BEUC The European Consumers' Organisation , Brussels
Models for Medical Research (14.30-17.00)
Andrea Glorioso
Researcher, Politecnico di Torino; Independent consultant, FLOSS Technology, Law and Policies
Philippe Aigrain
CEO, Sopinspace - Society for Public Information Spaces, Paris
Final reflections (17.00-18.00)