Cornelia Sollfrank
Cornelia Sollfrank (Celle/Berlin/Hamburg) is an artist whose central concerns in her conceptual and performative works in 'mixed media' are the relation between art and politics, subversive potential of new media art, the advent of a new image of the artist in the information age, gender-specific handling of technology, as well as networking and communication as art. She was a member of the collectives 'frauen-und-technik' and '-Innen,' and initiated the Cyberfemininist alliance known as Old Boys Network.
Her project 'female extension' (1997) was a hack of the first net.art competition initiated by a museum, in which she flooded the museum's network with submissions by 300 virtual female net artists.
Her 'net.art generator' automatically produces art on demand.
Her most recent project 'improved tele-vision' is an intervention in Arnold Schoenberg's composition 'Verklaerte Nacht' and consists of two parts: an online audio platform, as well as a sound installation. She published the readers 'first cyberfeminist international' (1988) and 'next cyberfeminist international' (1999).
In 1999/2000 Sollfrank produced a body of work on the subject of 'women hackers'.
2004 Phd on 'Open Cultures' at Duncan of Jordanstone University, Dundee, Scotland.
1987-1990 studies of fine art (painting), Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.
1990-1994 studies of fine art, Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste, Hamburg.
Professional Experience:
- WS 1998/99 and SS 1999 lecturer at the Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste, Hamburg.
- WS 2000/01 and SS 2001 lecturer at University of Lueneburg, Germany.
- SS 2001 and WS 2001/02 lecturer at University of Oldenburg, Germany.
- SS 2003 lecturer at University of Lueneburg, Germany.
- SS 2004 lecturer at Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany.
1995/96 Multimedia Product Manager (Philips Media).
Free-lance writer on net.culture for the online magazine 'telepolis'
- Cornelia Sollfrank
- female extension
- net.art generator
- liquid hacking laboratory
- women hackers
- old boys network
- improved tele-vision
Prizes/ fellowships/ residencies:
- 2. German Award for artistic photography (1991);
- DAAD-fellowship (German Academic Exchange Servcie) USA, New York (1996/97);
- Residency at the media lab of Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin (1997);
- Fellowship of the city of Hamburg for fine arts (1998);
- Fellowship for women in fine arts of the Senate of the city of Berlin (1999);
- EMARE (european artists exchange program) residency at Duncan of Jordanstone University, Dundee, Scotland (2000/01);
- Residency at the Women Artist Colony "Die Hoege", Germany (2001).
Exhibitions/ projects/ conferences/ workshops/ performances:
'have script, will destroy', VIR_USERS + MIS_USERS, Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain.
- "HABITAR EN (PUNTO)NET", espai F, Mataró, Barcelona, ES
- 'fem snd' - party & workshop, featuring women in electronic music, (together with Laurence Rassel and Maya C. Sternel), Melkweg Amsterdam in collaboration with next5minutes, conference for tactical media, Amsterdam, NL
- net.art generator, Collection of Contemporary Art, Volksfuersorge/Le Royal Meridien, Hamburg, Germany;
- 'sounds tactical', workshop in collaboration with 'transmediale' and Podewil, Berlin.
Preparation for 'pool-prj.', a project for tactical use of sound, Cornelia Sollfrank & Laurence Rassel;
- 'net.art generator', 'GENERATOR', minories art gallery, Colchester, Essex, GB;
- 'have script, will destroy', E-[d]entity compilation, vdb, video data bank, Chicago, USA;
- 'net.art generator', 'GENERATOR', Spacex Gallery, Exeter, UK;
- 'net.art generator', 'GENERATOR', Liverpool Biennal, UK;
- 'guided tour through hackerland', performance, Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin;
- 'Unauthorized Access', 'Cross Female - Metaphores of the Female', Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Pforzheim, Germany;
- 'Kuenstlerbilder', Galerie Mesaoo Wrede, Hamburg, Germany;
- 'net.art generator', CYNET art, Ausstellung Projekttheater, Dresden, Germany;
- 'networked reality', Solo Show, Galleri 21, Malmoe, Sweden;
- 'net.art generator', Observatori, media art festival, Valencia, Spain;
- 'improved television', 'cyberfem spirit', Edith-Russ-Site for media art, Oldenburg, Germany;
- 'Have Code-Will Destroy', 'Tenacity - Cultural Practices in the Age of Global Information- and Biotechnologies', Swiss Institute, New York, USA;
- 'Have Code-Will Destroy', 'Tenacity - Cultural Practices in the Age of Global Information- and Biotechnologies', Shedhalle, Zuerich, Switzerland;
- 'Have Code-Will Destroy', 'UFO Strategies', Medienkunsthaus Oldenburg, Germany;
- 'Net.Art Generator' @ Real 'Work', Werkleitz Biennal, Werkleitz, Germany;
- 'Liquid Hacking Laboratory', 'Log-in', Kunstverein Nuernberg, Germany;
- 'Unauthorized Access', 'CrossFemale-Metaphors of the Female', Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin;
- 'Have Code-Will Destroy', 'terr@media -- Game Patching and Hacking Sublime', FOURNOS, Center for Art and New Technologie, Athens, Greece;
- 'Female Extension' at 'LA Freewaves Festival', Los Angeles;
- 'Cyberfeminism', Video-Clips, 'Young Art in Hamburg', Kunsthaus Hamburg;
- 'Cyberfeminism', Video-Clips, 'Crosslinks', intermedia exhibition-project, Gallery Marstall, Berlin;
- 'next Cyberfeminist International', Organisation of the second international Symposion on the topic of Cyberfeminism, Rotterdam, NL;
- Jury-Member of 'artgenda 2000', Helsinki;
- 'The 100 Anti-Theses', 'Die Lesbarkeit der Kunst' (Legibility of Art), Kunstbibliothek, Berlin;
- 'Old Boys Networking', 'net.condition', Center for Art and Mediatechnology, Karlsruhe;
- 'Net.art Generator', 'Seriality, Rows and Nets', Public Gallery, Bremen;
- Jury-Member of the international competition 'Mr. Netart 98';
- 'The New Woman', NEID Show, Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin;
- Reader-Presentation at 'ars electronica, Linz;
- documenta x, Kassel, Organisation of an international Symposion on the topic of 'Cyberfeminism' (Hybrid WorkSpace)
- 'New Media -- Old Roles', Intervention at the Computer Fair 'CeBit', Hannover;
- 'New Media -- Old Roles', Museum Louisiana, Kopenhagen, 'NowHere';
- '-Innen-Agents', comic strip in the book 'Net-Critique', ID-Archive, Berlin;
- 'REALITY CHECK' Net.art event within the project 'Skin Laboratory', Hamburg;
- Internet Art Competition of the Museum for Contemporary Art, Hamburger;
- 'We are building your future': bill-board for a fictional building within the 'Architetural Summer', Hamburg;
- 'remote viewing', ars electronica, Linz;
- 'Narcicism in the Media, exemplified by Television', Performance Gallery 707, Frankfurt;
- 'Generation @' 'falsch verbunden', Kunsthaus Hamburg, Interface III;
- 'information art', Performance, HfBK, Hamburg;
- 'Narcicism in the Media, exemplified by Television', Performance Westwerk, HH, Muenchner Kunstverein (Oh boy, it's a girl), Shedhalle, Zuerich ('When techno turns to sound of poetry')
- Founding of the Artist group '-Innen';
- 'Narcicism in the Media, exemplified by Television', Performance, Produzentengalerie Kunstitut, Stuttgart;
- 'The New Woman', postcard mailing;
- '-Innen-commercials', Art Cologne, November-TV;
- 'frauen-und-technik' (women-and-technology), founding of the Institute in Hamburg;
- 'Envy-of-Penis'-Games, documenta IX art television, Piazzetta HH
- 'Ihr vertraut Augsburg', Election Campaign, Performance and Folder;
- 'art as systematic copyright infringement', F+F School for Art and Media Design, Zuerich, Switzerland;
- 'Kunst und Copyright', plug-in, Basel, Switzerland;
- 'The lecture is an artist' - generating Dada, lecture, University of Dundee, School of Television and Imaging, Dundee, Scotland;
- 'How do we create meaning through systemising of data', Data-based art Seminar, BALTIC The Centre of Contemporary Art, Newcastle/Gateshead, UK
- 'Game Over' - Kunst zwischen Eventkultur und Imagepolitik, Ladyfest Hamburg, Westwerk Hamburg, Germany;
- 'Kollaborative und vernetzte Praxis, verändertes Autorenbild', Panel 'remix and copyright', Maerz Musik, Berlin;
- 'The (unsuccessful) Search for a Female Hacker', University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany;
- 'Hacking Art', Muthesius Hochschule Kiel, Kiel, Germany;
- 'Hacking Art', University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany;
- 'Hacking Art & Cyberfeminism', Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany;
- 'Social Hack and Cyberfeminism', Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart, Germany;
- 'Presentation of work', Academy of fine Arts, Riga, Latvia;
- 'Cyberfeminism from the Scratch', Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia;
- 'Women Hackers', digitales, Brussels, Belgium;
- 'Cyberfeminism: Revolution', Conference Zelig2, Paris, France;
- 'Guided Tour through Hackerland', Performance, Chaos Communication Congress, C19, Berlin;
- work presentation, Hochschule fuer bildende Kuenste, Berlin;
- 'Hacking Art', media art department of University of Oldenburg, Germany;
- 'Artistic self-organisation and the image of the artist', IG-Medien, Detmold, Germany;
- work presentation, Duncan of Jordanstone University, Dundee, Scotland;
- 'Hacking Art', Trent University, Nottingham, England;
- work presentation, Salford University, Manchester, England;
- 'The Truth about Cyberfeminism 5.0', Dundee contemporary Arts, Dundee, Scotland;
- 'Artist Organisations in the 21st Century', Bundesakademie Wolfenbuettel, Germany;
- 'Bite the hand that feeds you', 'get that balance', Kampnagel Hamburg, Germany; - work presentation, ars electronica, female takeover, Linz, Austria;
- panel discussion, female takeover, ars electronica, Linz, Austria;
- 'Copyleft attitude', panel discussion at Viper Festival, Basel, Switzerland;
- workshop on 'female takeover', Viper side-event, Basel, Switzerland;
- work presentation, School of Art and Communication, University of Malmoe, Sweden;
- work presentation, Art Academy, Malmoe, Sweden;
- 'hacking art', MEDIARAMA festival of electronic arts and new technologies, Contemporary Art Center of Andalusia, La Cartuja, Seville, Spain;
- 'not every hacker is a woman', 'Technics of Cyberfeminism', Frauenkulturhaus Thealit, Bremen, Germany;
- 'Networking Practice as Fine Art', 'Art and Career', Symposion, Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin;
- work presentation, Art Academy, Reykjavik, Iceland;
- 'The Surface as Content', 'Stubborn Practices in the Age of Information- and Biotechnology', Conference, Swiss Institue, New York City;
- 'Nobody knows the Truth about Cyberfeminisms', 'Mermaids on the Run' † Feminisms, Symposion, Swiss Institue, New York City;
- 'HACKING/CULTURE/CYBER/FEMINISM/NET/PIRACY', 'net.net.net', CalArts and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA;
- 'Liquid Hacking Strategies', hack-it conference, Rome, Italy;
- 'Unauthorized Access', TenaCity, Shedhalle Zuerich, Switzerland;
- 'Networking Practice and Digital Art', cAT,1 st ART AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisboa, Portugal;
- 'net.art generator - Automation and Division of Labour in Art-Production', Werkleitz Biennal, Werkleitz, Germany;
- 'Paradoxical artistic practice - strategies of success and self-boycott', Salon Separee, Hamburg, Germany;
- 'The Truth about Cyberfeminism 6.0', log-in Festival, log-Lounge Erlangen, Germany;
- 'You do not have a chance, but go for it', Tricks, Pranks and Interventions, Root-Festival, Hull, England;
- 'The hidden Woman Hackers', Eduaction Center, Computer Days for Women, Nuernberg, Germany;
- work presentation, USC, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA;
- work presentation, Scripps College, Vermont/Los Angeles, USA;
- 'Street Action on the Information Highway', Free Waves Festival, Los Angeles, USA;
- work presentation, CalArts, Californian Institute of the Arts, Valencia/ Los Angeles, USA;
- 'Cyberfeminist Interventions', Foro Artistico, Hannover, Germany;
- 'Women Hackers', next Cyberfeminist International, Rotterdam, Netherlands;
- 'Processing Cyberfeminism', panel with Old Boys Network, 'next5minutes' Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
- 'The Truth about Cyberfeminism 3.0', Jonctions Festival, Brussels, Belgium;
- 'Networking Strategies, OBN', Performance-Conference, Frankfurt/M., Germany;
- 'The Truth about Cyberfeminism 4.0', Old Boys Network presentation, Festival for Electronic Arts, Maribor, Slowenia;
- 'Artistic Strategies in the post-human age', Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany;
- 'Women Hackers', Old Boys Network presentation, Informatica Feminale, Bremen, Germany;
- 'The Trouth about Cyberfeminism 5.0', Old Boys Network presentation, 'Dialogues und Debates', Symposion on contemporary art production;women artist colony, "Die Hoege", Bremen, Germany;
- 'Paradoxical artistic practice - Strategies of success and self-boycott', symposion 'Made for the Real World', Academy of Fine Arts Saarbruecken, Germany;
- 'Artistist's Context-Systems on the Internet', Hamburger Kunsthalle;
- 'Between mass media and elitism', Telepolis Panel, European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck, Germany;
- 'The Truth about Cyberfeminism 1.0', Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste, Braunschweig;
- 'How feminist is Cyberfeminism?', Face2Face-Meeting, Forum Statdpark, Graz, Austria;
- 'Gender on the Net', mikro Lounge, WMF, Berlin;
- Presentation of the Reader 'First Cyberfeminist International', ars electronica, Linz;
- 'The Truth about Cyberfeminism 2.0', conference 'East-East', St. Petersburg, Russia;
- 'Fuer Maler oder Medienkuenstler', Akademie der Kuenste, Muenchen, Germany;
- 'Knots in the Net' - net.art projects in New York City, Backspace Gallery, London;
- 'The Production of Visibility', CODE RED, Sydney, Australia;
- work presentation, University of Western Sydney, Australia;
- work presentation, Adelaide, Australia