
Veni Markovski was born on April 3, 1968. He has been working on Internet-related issues since September 1990 when he started as a SysOp of the FidoNet MicroComm BBS (2:359/101). He was the founder and CEO of Bulgaria's second Internet Service Provider, BOL.BG, and is founding Chair of the Board of the Internet Society - Bulgaria (founded December 1995).
He currently serves as the Bulgarian country coordinator for the Global Internet Policy Initiative and Chairs the Bulgarian President's IT Advisory Committee for Bulgaria, founded on March 8, 2002. He's also chairing the Board of the IT Development Association, and is helping the Bulgarian Parliamentary Committee on Transport and Telecommunications.
Mr. Markovski has been an active advocate for reform of laws and regulations governing the Internet, working to change licensing requirements on ISPs in Bulgaria, amend his country's laws on computer crimes, and reach agreement with Bulgarian stakeholders on liberalization of VoIP regulations in 2001.
In 1999 Internet Society - Bulgaria filed a case against the proposed licensing of ISPs by the government at the Supreme Administrative Court, and managed to reach an out of court agreement to ensure ISPs are not subject to licensing or registration.
He was a Member of the Civil Society Bureau to the World Summit on the Information Society and is a Member of the Board of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. A frequent contributor to ICANN, Mr. Markovski also served as a Chair of ICANN's Membership Implementation Task Force in 2000.
Mr. Markovski has published tens of articles on Internet-related issues in the last decade in Bulgaria and worldwide. He's also contributing as a Board member of the Bulgarian New Symphony Orchestra.