Martin Kretschmer
Martin Kretschmer, PhD University College London 1996, Professor of Information Jurisprudence, Bournemouth University (UK), is Joint Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management. He is also a Visiting Professorial Fellow, Queen Mary Intellectual Property Institute, University of London (2002-); and was Guest Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (2003). Previously, Martin was consultant editor at BBC Woldwide (1994-5), faculty member at City University Business School, London (1996-9), visiting academic at the Department of Law, LSE (1999) and at the Judge Institute of Management Studies (2000), Cambridge University.
Martin is an associate reviewer for Economic & Social Research Council, Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Human Relations, Organization Studies, British Academy of Management, Long Range Planning, Social Science Quarterly, Entertainment Law, Technology Forecasting & Social Change, International Journal on Media Management and New Media & Society. Publications include articles in Law (European Intellectual Property Review, Intellectual Property Quarterly), Social Science (British Journal of Management, Prometheus, New Media & Society), in the national press (ZEIT, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau), and a special issue on software patents (Journal of Information, Law & Technology JILT 2003).
Martin has researched projects for the ESRC, Arts Council, Social Science Research Council NY and national governments, including a major project on the music industry in an information society. Currently, he is working on two books: on the law and economics of Origin Labels (with M. Blakeney) and on Piracy, a history of music as copyright.