 Speakers / A - E / Markus Beckedahl

Markus Beckedahl

Markus Beckedahl, 27, is an activist, lobbyist and networker for a free knowledge society.

Markus is founder and chairman of Network New Media (Netzwerk Neue Medien e.V.), a german grassroots membership based civil liberties organization to promote civil rights in the information society, co-founder of the German Civil Society Causcus to the WSIS, and press-spokesman of the german NGO´s at the WSIS in Geneva. For the last six years he has been coordinating and developing the content-work of the german green youth covering the topics civil rights and net politics.

He is one of the people behind the - campaign for a free digital culture. He is active in several political networks and campaigns such as the initiative and the european network against software patents. As a freelance journalist, he often writes articles about net politics. He is also the co-author of "Charta of Civil Rights for a Sustainable Knowledge Society".

He is working in Berlin as a co-founder and executive manager of newthinking communications, an agency for society communication, working for NGOs and free software organizations/companies.

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