István Fábián 
Born on the 9th of November, 1971, Budapest.
Spent all his teen ages with computers, fell in love with the programming of computing rarities like ABC-80 or HT1080Z in assembly language in the very
early 80s, then the much better known C64 still early in the early 1980s.
During the school years many articles about both programming and computer gaming were getting published in the first Hungarian computer magazines.
István also did contractual programming work for companies. He is the co-author of two books about computer gaming and used to be a game reviewer for various computer magazines.
After graduating from high school in 1990, he immediately started his own business with a friend targeting the video games market, working on Amiga and PC games. After world wide success with two award winning fantasy role playing games - the Abandoned Places series -, creating games for TV shows and other similar activities, the company finally merged with a local publisher.
A short break piloting DirectX technology at SegaPC, working on console ports for the PC, then he was working on a fully computer automated play by mail role playing game system, with a very unique and life like AI that was regarded as the best of its class in its time, based on the world of the previous FCRPGs. These are the systems that are nowadays called MMORPG and enjoy a much broader audience, than during that time period.
He also translated the book "Replay" by Ken Grimwood to Hungarian. He finally got involved with the telecom business. He works for Telecommunication Technologies (TCT) Hungary Ltd, a privately held company that manages to beat major companies in their very own cut-throat game; all CTI solutions with unique, leading edge design of computer based telephony technology. His work includes the lead design, project lead and programming for major clients, like GSM and landline providers, banks and other services. Recently he is mostly involved with IT/telecom consulting and studies economy at university.
His project about game preservation technology got world wide recognition and acceptance from developers and companies alike, not to mention enthusiasts. He strongly believes in the right of developers and companies that could work together under reasonable copyright laws as well as the need for digital libraries to preserve our digital heritage for the future. He has two beautiful cats.
Finally, he is planning to return to the creation of new, next generation computer and console games.