Tim Hubbard 
Tim Hubbard is responsible for bioinformatics groups carrying out analysis and annotation of vertebrate genome sequence produced at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, which was responsible for determining a third of the human genome sequence. He is joint head of the Ensembl genome annotation project (www.ensembl.org), which is the world’s leading database and access point for the human genome sequence.
Following the controversy surrounding the ownership and access to the human genome sequence, he has become a leading advocate of the benefits of strong 'openness' for science and society as a whole (c.f. the open source software movement). He was a member of the OECD working group on 'Issues of Access to Publicly Funded Research Data' (dataaccess.ucsd.edu). He is also involved in a number of NGO/Industry forums regarding the world patent system and access to essential drugs, including with Médecins Sans Frontières and the public domain drug development industry DNDi it is part of. Recently he has been involved in proposing alternative economic models for supporting worldwide healthcare research and development.
1. Hubbard, T. J. & Love, J. A New Trade Framework for Global Healthcare R&D. PLoS Biology 2, 147-150 (2004).
2. Hubbard, T. J. & Love, J. We're patently going mad. Guardian, 4th March 2004.
3. Hubbard, T. J. Human Genome: Draft Sequence. in Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome (ed. Cooper, D. N.) 338-342 (Nature Publishing Group, London, 2003).
4. Hubbard, T. J. & Love, J. Medicines without barriers. New Scientist, (14th June, 2003)
5. Hubbard, T. J. Life: can you figure it out? in Frontiers 01 (ed. Radford, T.) 13-23 (Guardian Newspapers, London, 2002).