 Sprecher / D - F / Heather Ford

Heather Ford

Heather Ford is a South African who has worked in the non-profit sector since 2000 when she graduated with a Bachelor of Journalism degree from Rhodes University. She is passionate about the power of the Internet and new communication technologies for political, social and economic change and has been involved in managing a number of projects relating to Internet policy, democracy, sociology and law in Africa.

She is currently a Benetech-funded fellow (or fellowina as one friend put it) at the Reuters Digital Vision Program at Stanford University. She has been working with the Creative Commons iCommons (international commons) project for the past 8 months, incubating Creative Commons projects for Africa.

In June 2004, she will return to South Africa to run the Creative Commons South Africa project full time from Johannesburg.

For more information, see her weblog.

Creative Commons License
All original works on this website unless otherwise noted are
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Germany.